If you wish to delete files from your server and use a client, like FileZilla for example, follow the instructions mentioned below:
1. Connect to the FTP service by selecting File and Site Manager.
2. Add the new website and the login information by filling in the following in the General tab.
- New Site (below my sites, fill in the name of your new website).
- In the field Host fill in ftp.tophost.gr (replace tophost.gr, with your domain).
- In Port leave 21 which is preselected.
- In Encryption select Only Use Plain FTP.
- In Logon Type select Normal.
- In the field User enter the username we sent you in the web hosting activation email.
- In the field Password enter the code we sent you in the web hosting activation email.
- Finally, click on Connect.
3. Select the files that you wish to delete, then right-click, and select Delete.