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My website takes a lot of time to load. What should I do? - Γνωσιακή βάση / Plesk / Resource Usage/Perfomance - TopHost

My website takes a lot of time to load. What should I do?

Λίστα συντακτών

You might notice that your website takes a lot of time to load. If there is no problem with your hosting (server), then you will have to make sure that your website is properly set, in order to use the server resources at best, so that there is no extra information on your base, no unnecessary plugins activated and all addons (plugins / themes) should be updated to the latest version.


Let’s see some things about two of the most popular CMS: WordPress and Joomla.




Make sure that the plugins that you use can be optimized, that questions are not being repeated in the database and that they are updated to the latest version.






- Delete the images that you no longer need. 


- Make sure that they have the appropriate format (JPG/PNG/GIF).


If you are using WordPress, you can find a useful tool for images here. 



If you are using Joomla, you can find a useful tool for images here.



- Combine and reduce the CSS files in a streamlined file. 


- Reduce your Java files. 


If you are using WordPress, you can find a useful tool here.



If you are using Joomla, you can find a useful tool here.



In general, you should use plugins that will help with the performance of the cache memory but you must also regularly update them to the latest version.


If you use WordPress, click here. 



If you are using Joomla, click here.



Finally, some websites can calculate your page loading speed and advise you about what you could do to optimize it using reports and graphs.


GTmetrix is one of them. You simply enter your domain name and click on Analyze, to get the optimization reports.



Google’s PageSpeed is another one. Simply select Run Insights, enter your website and click on Analyze.


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